The Wheel of the Year

The Wheel of the Year

Merry Meet, my Magickal Ones.

So. What in the name of Gaia is the Wheel of the Year?

Sometimes referred to as the Wheel of Sabbats, or just known as plain ol’ Sabbats, seems to come from Pagan Germanic, Celtic, & even Roman cultures. The Wheel is a calendar for the seasons. It goes through solstices & times of harvests through the year, & reminds you when it’s time to throw a witchy holiday party!

The holidays with Celtic origins are Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, & Samhain.

& the holidays with Germanic origins are Yule, Ostars, Litha, & Mabon.

Lughnasadh 🌽 :

Pronounced as ‘LOO-nah-sah’

Also known as ‘Lammas’

This takes place on August 1st

Marks the first harvest, celebrating wheat crops

Ways to celebrate: enjoy a feast, bake bread, brew/enjoy beer or non-alcoholic ginger beer, make corn husk dolls, decorate your altar with wheat, do rituals for abundance, & give thanks to the Earth

Mabon 🍂 :

Pronounced as ‘MAY-bon’

This takes place from September 21st & September 23rd

Marks the Fall Equinox & second harvest, celebrating with a feast like Thanksgiving

This is the time when day & night are the same length

Ways to celebrate: create cleansing bundles with sage, orange, & cinnamon, bake warm fruit pies, reflect & give thanks for manifestations, make hot apple cider, donate to charity, collect acorns & nuts, make your besom broom, collect colorful leaves for your altar, do a ritual for restoring balance

Samhain 🎃 :

Pronounced as ‘SOW-een’ or ‘sOW-in’

This takes place from October 31& November 1st

Marks the new year on the Wheel!

It’s not only the pagan New Years & Halloween, but it celebrates the final harvest of the fall

This is when the veil between worlds in the thinnest. On this night, we celebrate death by honoring ancestors & remembering them

Ways to celebrate: carve a Jack-O-Lantern, remember passed loved ones, do some candle magic, bake some soul cakes. visit & maintain a loved ones grave, tell ghost stories, scrying & divination, eat sweet treats

Yule 🌲 :

Pronounced as ‘Yool’

This takes place from December 21st & January 1st

This is the Winter Solstice. The final preparations for the coming winter are complete. This marks the rebirth of the sun

This is the longest night & the shortest day of the year. Ths is  celebration of rebirth & new beginnings

Ways to celebrate: perform cleansing & blessing rituals as well as rituals to welcome the sun, create cinnamon & pine cleansing bundles, make a Yule log cake, make a Yule wreath, make Yule decorations with natural materials, make seed covered apple treats for birds, decorate a living tree for Yule

Imbolc 🍃 :

Pronounced as ‘IM-bullug’ or ‘IM-bulk’

This takes place on February 1st

This is the celebration of the pending return of Spring. The days start getting a little longer. The Earth begins to thaw & warm up, bringing a renewed sense of life

This is meant to be a fire festival to celebrate the blessings of hearth & home

Ways to celebrate: do rituals for renewal & growth rituals, craft a Brigid cross, use flowers in your magic or to decorate your altar, look for signs of Spring’s return, cinnamon spell work, plant your garden, burn red candles

Ostara 💐 :

Pronounced as ‘o-STAR-uh’ or ‘OHS-truh’

This takes place on March 20th

The Spring Equinox! Winter is over!

This celebrated the full return of Spring. This is the celebration of abundance & fertility. This is a time of rebirth

The day & night are equal in length

Ways to celebrate: do abundance, growth, & fertility rituals, also rituals honoring the life of the Earth, add flowers & herbs to your candle magic, decorate eggs for your altar, plant seeds, go on a nest hunt (look, but don’t touch!), do some spring cleaning, incorporate some fresh floral scents into your space

Beltane 🌻 :

Pronounced as ‘BELL-tane’

Also known as ‘May Day’

This takes place from April 30 to May 1

This is the mid point between the Spring Equinox & the Summer Solstice. This celebrates a time of abundance & warmth, & a time of fertility & love

How to celebrate: do some personal rituals focusing on cultivating abundance in relationships, take a ritual bath, dance around a May pole or decorate your altar with colored ribbons, add dried herbs & petals to your candle magic, leave offerings for the Fae (proceed with CAUTION!), have a picnic, craft a decorative wreath or flower crown, decorate cookies with herbs & flowers

Litha 🌞 :

Pronounced as ‘LEE-ta’

This takes place on June 21st or June 22nd

This is the celebration of the Summer Solstice. Literally translated, Litha means ‘longest day’.

This is a time when the herbs & plants of the Earth are in their prime. The world is so colorful!

Ways to celebrate: do some rituals that honor the sun, make homemade petal popsicles, bake Litha honey cakes, decorate your home & altar with dried citrus ornaments, decorate caked with flowers & suns, make cinnamon sweet tea, make flower & herb infused oils, do some cloud divination, water your plants with intention

When you have something to celebrate about every six weeks, it allows us to stay in tune with our practice & stay in tune with the way the Earth changes. 

Your magic continues all year round.

Until next time! 🌙


Resource(s) Used:

“Spirituality 101: A Crash Course on the Wheel of the Year & the Sabbats”

By Dev

Updated July 30, 2019

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