Merry Meet, my Magickal Ones. ✨
These days, when we say the word ‘witch’ or ‘witchcraft’, I think there are some specific images that come to mind. Things like American Horror Story: Coven, or Sabrina the Teenage Witch, The Craft, Charmed, right? Well, contrary to how the media has portrayed these women, it doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of reality...
There are endless ways to be a witch.
No, seriously though! The world of Witchcraft, Wicca, Paganism, Neo-paganism—what have you—is so incredibly vast that there is no possible way to condense the various paths and belief systems into one running list.
However, I did want to go through some of the more common types of witches you could hear about & the paths that one could possibly venture down.
Traditional Witch
Sometimes called “Folk Witches”, these are the kind of witches who have a much more historical approach to their practice. They take it back to the “Old Craft” that came long before the days of Wicca by studying their ancestors & folklore associated with witchcraft.
Alexandrian Witch
Paying tribute to Alex Sanders and the library of Alexandria, this practice was brought about during the 1960s in the UK. Instead of working with a higher power as typical Wicca suggests, these witches tune their magic using the Earths power and energies. If it works, use it.
Hereditary Witch
Just as the name suggests, these witches were born into their craft. It’s in their family or lineage, passed down from their previous generations. However, these witches could always choose to work with an individual practice instead of working with their families.
Cosmic Witch
These witches will utilize planetary and celestial energy into their practice while following astrological and astronomical patterns to create their magic. What’s the difference between the two, you ask? Astrology can be used as a form of divination by analyzing the placements of planets and celestial bodies to predict emotions & behaviors, whereas Astronomy is the science that looks at the positions and properties of these celestial bodies.
Faerie Witch
Considered a shamanic tradition, these witches will use Earth-centered magic highlighting plants & animal familiars, while communing with the Fair Folk. Be warned, these beings follow a different set of rules. While this path may be exciting and beautiful, it is not to be practiced lightly. Not every witch has what it takes, & it is not for the faint of heart.
Kitchen Witch
Once again, as the name suggests, these witches create most of their magic while at home or in their kitchen. Their home is their sacred space; where they feel most magical. Cooking (and enchanting) delicious food and drinks, ensuring their home is safe & protected, these witches are often incredible motherly & nurturing.
Hedge | Green Witch
A term used to serve as an all-encompassing name for witches who are generally unaffiliated, solitary, non-Wiccan practitioners. The term does however, posses shamanic undertones. A “hedge rider/jumper” is a traveler between the world of reality and the world of spirit. Hedge Witches also work with herbs and Earth based magic.
Secular Witch
They cast spells. They use crystals. They use herbs & oils. They work just the way any other witch would, however they generally do not attach spirituality to their practice. So, they don’t believe in deities or any form of a higher power!
Solitary Witch
Simply put, this can be any type of witch who chooses to work alone rather than being in a coven.
Eclectic Witch
These witches pull from different sources, religions, practices, & traditions in order to create a specific path that works exactly for them!
So! Here is my final thought on the subject:
A hierarchy of witches doesn’t exist.
Each witch is special, and each witch is valid.
Until next time! 🌙
Photo Credit:
Photographer: Arian Darvishi
November 15, 2018
Resource(s) Used:
“These Are The 16 Types Of Witches Creating Magic All Around You”
By Kendra Syrdal
Updated December 28, 2019 | Accessed April 29, 2020
“The Weiser Field Guide to Witches”
By Judika Illes
Accessed April 29, 2020